Dr. Marcelo Jofré

Experiencia profesional


Certified Veterinary Doctor on July 25, 1996,
Santo Tomas University, Santiago, Chile.


Dedicated to the practice of general Veterinary Medicine


Limited Status Residency UC Davis. Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital Feb 1 – May 31 Under the supervision of Dr. Peter Ihrke


Veterinary Dermatology Service, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Clinical Training under the Supervision of Dr Carlos Larson. August 1 – 25


International Theoretical-Practical Course of Small Animal Dermatology.
International speaker.
Arequipa, Peru. Nov 22 – 23


National Speaker in the VI Course of the WSAVA
Continuing Education Program for South America
Nov 16


Veterinary Clinical Dermatology University of Baja California. Mexico
International speaker. October 28 – 31


Online Diploma in Dermatology in Dogs and Cats.
Virtual Veterinary Update Portal. PAVET
March 1- December 15
450 Hours of Continuing Education


Activity as a Teacher of Small Animal
Universidad de las Americas, Universidad Andres Bello, Universidad Iberoamericana.


3rd Latin American Congress of Veterinary
Dermatology. Buenos Aires, Argentina
Nov 26 – 27. Assistant


4rd Latin American Congress of Veterinary
Dermatology. Merida, Mexico
June 13- 16. Assistant.


5th Latin American Congress of Veterinary
Foz do Iguazú, Brazil November 4-6
Speaker with the work presented:

“Quantification of the antimicrobial potential of two microparticles added fabrics to methicillin
Coagulase-positive Staphylococcus isolated from Dogs “


10th World Congress of Veterinary Dermatology
Boston july 24-29
Scholarship for Veterinarians from South America and other remote places of the World.

I am part of the following associations:

a. COLMEVET Chilean Veterinary Medical College
b. MEVEPA Medicos Veterinarios Especialistas en Pequeños Animales (Director March 2003 – March 2006)
c. ACHIDEV Chilean Society of Veterinary Dermatology. Founding partner
d. SLDV Latin American Society of Veterinary Dermatology since 2012
e. Brazilian Society of Veterinary Dermatology

I currently work in my veterinary practice where I receive referrals patients from nearby clinics and from other regions of the country, I also constantly give talks to groups of Veterinarians and Students.